A Speeding Locomotive out of Control

A Speeding Locomotive
​out of Control

A Speeding Locomotive out of Control

This article was written in 2012. Now in 2024 it unfortunately, is even more relevant and needing attention.

The human race is on a locomotive speeding ever faster down a track that is about to run out. Many scientist and world leaders say a serious derailment is imminent.

World population is increasing, energy consumption is radically increasing, and the basic necessities of water, food and housing are increasing. The production of these necessities requires energy and the world’s primary source of energy is based on a non renewable, polluting, finite source, oil. Next to oil, arms are the biggest industry. Guns and bombs are used to commit atrocities and mass murder against our so called enemies. We have even gone so far as to create weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to destroy all of life on earth.

Quality of heath world wide is diminishing. Many people in the industrial world are becoming obese, in American its almost 70% of the population, and developing serious diseases at an increasingly younger age. Many other people in the world are undernourished and dying at an early age. Aids, cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name a few have become so prevalent that we accept them a normal.
Yes our physical world is in crisis.  

The Challenges


We need to become aware of the many life threatening ecological disasters that we are creating. The world’s population has doubled and the global economy has increased by a factor of seven in just the past fifty years. We are demanding more of the earth than it can supply. 

The world’s aquifers are being depleted at an alarming rate. It’s evident that the next wars will be over water, not oil. Forests, particularly rainforest, which supply the majority of our oxygen is being cut faster than they can be replaced. Grass lands are being turned into desserts. Soil erosion exceeds new soil formation. Small diverse healthy farms are being overrun by big agribusiness with only big profits on their mind. Our oceans are being over fished and polluted.

We are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than nature can absorb it, creating the greenhouse effect and global warming.  Habitat destruction and chemical pollution is destroying plant and animal life faster than new species can evolve. The latest scientific studies on global warming just released by the United Nations Study Group, show that an ecological disaster is imminent unless we rapidly reduce greenhouse emissions and begin addressing the other critical issues just mentioned.

Disease and mass extinction of plant and animal life is already a reality.  Humans are next in line.


China, once called the sleeping giant, is no longer sleeping and is predicted to soon overtake America in energy
consumption. It has been scientifically determined that our planet can’t handle another energy consuming giant like America. We must rapidly begin converting to non polluting sources of energy such as solar, wind, hydro-electric, hydrogen fuel cells etc.


Our health is our most important asset. Everything we want and need to accomplish depends upon having energy and good health. Without lots of energy and good health we will not be able to meet our challenges. It is essential that people become educated about what is needed to produce good health and how to take responsibility for creating it.

Good health requires clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, natural food to eat and non toxic safe places to live. We must begin to produce products on the basis of quality not on how much profits can be made.

Governments, corporations and individuals all need to step up and cooperate in cleaning up the environment, producing healthy products and educating people world wide of the importance of taking responsibility for their good health.

Excess Consumption

We must stop our over consumption of everything. Do we need to eat so much, drive so much, work so much, live in huge houses? Do you really need all of the clothes, furniture and stuff you now possess? Do children need a closet full of toys? Do we need to produce so much useless junk just to make a profit? America is only about 6% of the world population yet we consume about 25% of the world’s energy supply and resources while many are starving. 

Our short sighted view that we must continue to produce more and more to create a better life is just wrong! The concept that our GDP and the bottom line of profits is what are important has to go. This rushed, frantic way of life has not produced a safer, happier world to live in. it has produced the opposite. More people are unhealthy, unhappy and living in fear of one another. The first thing we need to realize is that we need to change our way of thinking about what we need to enjoy our lives.

Too many of us particularly in America think we need all of the material stuff to make us feel successful and happy. Real quality of life is about being healthy, happy and having the time to enjoy close relationships.


Many people think terrorism is our biggest problem and we have to wage war against it. Terrorism is just another symptom that our lifestyles are out of sync with how we should be treating the planet and one another. The real threat of terrorism is that it is keeping us distracted from the real and critical ecological dangers we are now facing. 


If the above challenges aren’t enough to motivate you to action, how about the threat of nuclear war? How insane is it to produce something that has the potential to destroy us all? Will we ever learn that wars and killing have never solved anything or created lasting peace? Waging war on anything is the wrong concept. Has the war on drugs been effective? The war on terrorism has just created more terrorists and the world is now less safe.  How about waging peace and understanding on our problems. Life is not about battling our problems it’s about getting to the root cause and solving them through cooperation and love. Nothing can be solved through fear, hate and destruction. We need to train people in resolving conflicts with peaceful win-win negotiations.

Only through love and cooperation can we create a peaceful, prosperous world for all.

We need world leaders with vision to take immediate action on these challenges before it is too late. This will only happen when enough people rise up and force it to happen by creating positive change in their own lives and leading by example.

The Big Question

The real question we all need to ask ourselves is: am I part of the problem or part of the solution?  We are all part of everything that is happening in the world. 

The next question we need to ask ourselves is what can I do to begin creating a better world for us all to live in? The answer is; everything.

Change Yourself Change the World

The real problem is not all of the above mentioned, but rather it is ourselves. It’s the way we think and the lifestyles we live. If we continue thinking that it’s a dog eat dog world and every man for himself and that it will never change, then our problems will continue to multiply. There are technological solutions for many of our challenges, but they won’t be implemented till we change our thinking. If we continue, hating and fearing others, producing stuff merely to make a profit, over consuming without regard to how it affects others and our environment we are doomed. Technology and scientific advancements can’t save us from ourselves.

It’s not about saving the planet, it’s about saving ourselves.  Every species on the planet, except man, plays an important part in the overall scheme of nature. When plants and animals/insects become extinct nature becomes out of balance. Human beings are the ones creating imbalances in nature that ultimately will lead to our extinction. The planet functions perfectly without human beings. When we are gone the earth will do just fine. 

Before we can effectively renew the earth we have to renew ourselves. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, even our thoughts. That’s why everything we think, feel and do affects everything else in the universe. We are all connected. Therefore we are all responsible to a certain degree for everything that happens and will happen. If you have angry thoughts you are contributing to angry in the world. If you are violent even for a brief moment you are contributing to violence in the world. If you feel your philosophy or your religion is the only right way then you are contributing to separation and fear in the world.

The point is; we are all creating reality with our thoughts and actions. Is it too much to ask to stop for a minute and think what kind of world would be best and then create it? If we truly want a peaceful, safe, healthy, prosperous and happy world, then think those thoughts and it can be.

An Empowering View

Yes the challenges we face seem insurmountable, but doom and gloom thinking will only get us more of the same. We can slow down the speeding locomotive and we can change tracks to a new direction.

Crisis and what seems like chaos and hopelessness tends to bring out the best in mankind. 

We do have the creativity and capacity to rise up and meet this multitude of challenges. In fact it is why we are here and it is happening. 

You can transform yourself to be the best that you can be. As you become a more patient, peaceful, creative, compassionate, pro active and loving individual, the world as a whole becomes likewise. 

It is the belief of many that we are all spiritual beings here on earth to learn to become higher conscious spiritual beings. It is said that we were created in the image of God. This implies that we can become like God. We can learn to use the powers that we commonly associate with God, such as being all knowing, all loving and all powerful. The vast majority of all of the great scholars, philosophers, teachers and gurus throughout the ages, all say that we already possess all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe, we just have to learn how to tap into it. Learning is just remembering. 

It is also said that we create everything in our lives. We are creating our reality and it is on purpose. We have created such great challenges, because they will force us to wake up and find ways to meet and rise above them. This is the game of life. We are not here to always be safe and secure and take the easy way out. We are here to excel, to be our best and to learn to become like God. We are here to learn to create Heaven on Earth

Once we are aware that we are creating all of the things we don’t like in the world, we can now begin to create something better. We don’t have to keep struggling so hard. Let’s create heaven on earth sooner as opposed to later!

Getting on the Right Track

The right track is to create a lifestyle that creates quality of life not quantity of possessions and overuse of resources. There are many things that we can begin to do to make a difference. 

Be Responsible

Buy and use only bio-degradable nontoxic products.  Recycle. Do not throw away things that can pollute our soils and water sources. Convert to renewable sources of energy for our homes and businesses. Do not buy things you don’t really need. It’s all about supply and demand. If we don’t buy useless trinkets then no one will produce them. Do not over consume. In addition to the environmental problems all of this excess stuff causes from production to disposal, it clutters up your life and takes away from time to enjoy nature and close relationships.
Less is more. The more we work to buy stuff we don’t need the less enjoyable our lives become.

Empower Yourself, Conscious Creation

Do not try and save or change the world, change yourself. There is no transformation other than individual transformation. Be a model for others. Create an optimistic, joyful, pro active attitude. Create an attitude of gratitude for all that you have and help those less fortunate. Be forgiving, respectful and kind to everyone and you will make a big difference.

Get Involved

Everyone needs to contribute in some way. Whatever challenge you are passionate about, post your concerns and ideas on forums and blogs and find a group that you can join to help create solutions. Write and read articles, keep up with the latest news regarding these issues and find out about new events and products that are creating positive change. There are many groups already working on issues such as: promoting peace as opposed to war, ending world hunger, stopping global warming, saving rainforests, saving endangered species, promoting health lifestyles, promoting organic farming and improving education to name just a few. 

Join The Movement - Empower Others, Spread the Word

Now is the time to spread the word that everyone can, does and needs to make a difference. Please go to: treeofpositiveintensions.com to post your intention about what you most want to see changed in the world and connect with others  who are creating great resources for personal and global transformation. 

Send me an email at rico@agelesslivinglifestyle.com and I will send you a free copy of my e-book. You Can Make A Difference.


I know many of us have felt disillusioned with and disconnected from most of the worldwide political scene, but it is time to take back our power. Great changes have always come from a few who stood up and took consistent action. It is time to get involved. 

It is going to take vision, creativity, strength and most of all, a collective effort, if we are to meet the great challenges that we now and will face. Working together we can create heaven on earth.

The Real Game of Life

The real game of life is about cooperation and collaboration. When we learn to do things with the best in mind for everyone involved everyone one wins. Is there really any need for more than the Golden Rule? Treat everyone how you would like to be treated or as some say how they want to be treated.

The most important concept we must all grasp now in 2022 is; for anyone to truly win and enjoy an abundant, prosperous, joyful life, everyone must win. An abundant life for everyone is not only possible it is the way it was meant to be. We live in an abundant universe, only our fear has kept us from living in the light. 

Now is the time for love and cooperation to take us out of the darkness and into the light.

Rico Caveglia, America’s Healthy Aging Trainer is an author, certified personal trainer, health and longevity consultant and creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle and the website:  AgelessLivingLifestyle.com

This article was written in 2012. Now in 2024 it unfortunately, is even more relevant and needing attention.

The human race is on a locomotive speeding ever faster down a track that is about to run out. Many scientist and world leaders say a serious derailment is imminent.

World population is increasing, energy consumption is radically increasing, and the basic necessities of water, food and housing are increasing. The production of these necessities requires energy and the world’s primary source of energy is based on a non renewable, polluting, finite source, oil. Next to oil, arms are the biggest industry. Guns and bombs are used to commit atrocities and mass murder against our so called enemies. We have even gone so far as to create weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to destroy all of life on earth.

Quality of heath world wide is diminishing. Many people in the industrial world are becoming obese, in American its almost 70% of the population, and developing serious diseases at an increasingly younger age. Many other people in the world are undernourished and dying at an early age. Aids, cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name a few have become so prevalent that we accept them a normal.
Yes our physical world is in crisis.  

The Challenges


We need to become aware of the many life threatening ecological disasters that we are creating. The world’s population has doubled and the global economy has increased by a factor of seven in just the past fifty years. We are demanding more of the earth than it can supply. 

The world’s aquifers are being depleted at an alarming rate. It’s evident that the next wars will be over water, not oil. Forests, particularly rainforest, which supply the majority of our oxygen is being cut faster than they can be replaced. Grass lands are being turned into desserts. Soil erosion exceeds new soil formation. Small diverse healthy farms are being overrun by big agribusiness with only big profits on their mind. Our oceans are being over fished and polluted.

We are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than nature can absorb it, creating the greenhouse effect and global warming.  Habitat destruction and chemical pollution is destroying plant and animal life faster than new species can evolve. The latest scientific studies on global warming just released by the United Nations Study Group, show that an ecological disaster is imminent unless we rapidly reduce greenhouse emissions and begin addressing the other critical issues just mentioned.

Disease and mass extinction of plant and animal life is already a reality.  Humans are next in line.


China, once called the sleeping giant, is no longer sleeping and is predicted to soon overtake America in energy
consumption. It has been scientifically determined that our planet can’t handle another energy consuming giant like America. We must rapidly begin converting to non polluting sources of energy such as solar, wind, hydro-electric, hydrogen fuel cells etc.


Our health is our most important asset. Everything we want and need to accomplish depends upon having energy and good health. Without lots of energy and good health we will not be able to meet our challenges. It is essential that people become educated about what is needed to produce good health and how to take responsibility for creating it.

Good health requires clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, natural food to eat and non toxic safe places to live. We must begin to produce products on the basis of quality not on how much profits can be made.

Governments, corporations and individuals all need to step up and cooperate in cleaning up the environment, producing healthy products and educating people world wide of the importance of taking responsibility for their good health.

Excess Consumption

We must stop our over consumption of everything. Do we need to eat so much, drive so much, work so much, live in huge houses? Do you really need all of the clothes, furniture and stuff you now possess? Do children need a closet full of toys? Do we need to produce so much useless junk just to make a profit? America is only about 6% of the world population yet we consume about 25% of the world’s energy supply and resources while many are starving. 

Our short sighted view that we must continue to produce more and more to create a better life is just wrong! The concept that our GDP and the bottom line of profits is what are important has to go. This rushed, frantic way of life has not produced a safer, happier world to live in. it has produced the opposite. More people are unhealthy, unhappy and living in fear of one another. The first thing we need to realize is that we need to change our way of thinking about what we need to enjoy our lives.

Too many of us particularly in America think we need all of the material stuff to make us feel successful and happy. Real quality of life is about being healthy, happy and having the time to enjoy close relationships.


Many people think terrorism is our biggest problem and we have to wage war against it. Terrorism is just another symptom that our lifestyles are out of sync with how we should be treating the planet and one another. The real threat of terrorism is that it is keeping us distracted from the real and critical ecological dangers we are now facing. 


If the above challenges aren’t enough to motivate you to action, how about the threat of nuclear war? How insane is it to produce something that has the potential to destroy us all? Will we ever learn that wars and killing have never solved anything or created lasting peace? Waging war on anything is the wrong concept. Has the war on drugs been effective? The war on terrorism has just created more terrorists and the world is now less safe.  How about waging peace and understanding on our problems. Life is not about battling our problems it’s about getting to the root cause and solving them through cooperation and love. Nothing can be solved through fear, hate and destruction. We need to train people in resolving conflicts with peaceful win-win negotiations.

Only through love and cooperation can we create a peaceful, prosperous world for all.

We need world leaders with vision to take immediate action on these challenges before it is too late. This will only happen when enough people rise up and force it to happen by creating positive change in their own lives and leading by example.

The Big Question

The real question we all need to ask ourselves is: am I part of the problem or part of the solution?  We are all part of everything that is happening in the world. 

The next question we need to ask ourselves is what can I do to begin creating a better world for us all to live in? The answer is; everything.

Change Yourself Change the World

The real problem is not all of the above mentioned, but rather it is ourselves. It’s the way we think and the lifestyles we live. If we continue thinking that it’s a dog eat dog world and every man for himself and that it will never change, then our problems will continue to multiply. There are technological solutions for many of our challenges, but they won’t be implemented till we change our thinking. If we continue, hating and fearing others, producing stuff merely to make a profit, over consuming without regard to how it affects others and our environment we are doomed. Technology and scientific advancements can’t save us from ourselves.

It’s not about saving the planet, it’s about saving ourselves.  Every species on the planet, except man, plays an important part in the overall scheme of nature. When plants and animals/insects become extinct nature becomes out of balance. Human beings are the ones creating imbalances in nature that ultimately will lead to our extinction. The planet functions perfectly without human beings. When we are gone the earth will do just fine. 

Before we can effectively renew the earth we have to renew ourselves. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, even our thoughts. That’s why everything we think, feel and do affects everything else in the universe. We are all connected. Therefore we are all responsible to a certain degree for everything that happens and will happen. If you have angry thoughts you are contributing to angry in the world. If you are violent even for a brief moment you are contributing to violence in the world. If you feel your philosophy or your religion is the only right way then you are contributing to separation and fear in the world.

The point is; we are all creating reality with our thoughts and actions. Is it too much to ask to stop for a minute and think what kind of world would be best and then create it? If we truly want a peaceful, safe, healthy, prosperous and happy world, then think those thoughts and it can be.

An Empowering View

Yes the challenges we face seem insurmountable, but doom and gloom thinking will only get us more of the same. We can slow down the speeding locomotive and we can change tracks to a new direction.

Crisis and what seems like chaos and hopelessness tends to bring out the best in mankind. 

We do have the creativity and capacity to rise up and meet this multitude of challenges. In fact it is why we are here and it is happening. 

You can transform yourself to be the best that you can be. As you become a more patient, peaceful, creative, compassionate, pro active and loving individual, the world as a whole becomes likewise. 

It is the belief of many that we are all spiritual beings here on earth to learn to become higher conscious spiritual beings. It is said that we were created in the image of God. This implies that we can become like God. We can learn to use the powers that we commonly associate with God, such as being all knowing, all loving and all powerful. The vast majority of all of the great scholars, philosophers, teachers and gurus throughout the ages, all say that we already possess all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe, we just have to learn how to tap into it. Learning is just remembering. 

It is also said that we create everything in our lives. We are creating our reality and it is on purpose. We have created such great challenges, because they will force us to wake up and find ways to meet and rise above them. This is the game of life. We are not here to always be safe and secure and take the easy way out. We are here to excel, to be our best and to learn to become like God. We are here to learn to create Heaven on Earth

Once we are aware that we are creating all of the things we don’t like in the world, we can now begin to create something better. We don’t have to keep struggling so hard. Let’s create heaven on earth sooner as opposed to later!

Getting on the Right Track

The right track is to create a lifestyle that creates quality of life not quantity of possessions and overuse of resources. There are many things that we can begin to do to make a difference. 

Be Responsible

Buy and use only bio-degradable nontoxic products.  Recycle. Do not throw away things that can pollute our soils and water sources. Convert to renewable sources of energy for our homes and businesses. Do not buy things you don’t really need. It’s all about supply and demand. If we don’t buy useless trinkets then no one will produce them. Do not over consume. In addition to the environmental problems all of this excess stuff causes from production to disposal, it clutters up your life and takes away from time to enjoy nature and close relationships.
Less is more. The more we work to buy stuff we don’t need the less enjoyable our lives become.

Empower Yourself, Conscious Creation

Do not try and save or change the world, change yourself. There is no transformation other than individual transformation. Be a model for others. Create an optimistic, joyful, pro active attitude. Create an attitude of gratitude for all that you have and help those less fortunate. Be forgiving, respectful and kind to everyone and you will make a big difference.

Get Involved

Everyone needs to contribute in some way. Whatever challenge you are passionate about, post your concerns and ideas on forums and blogs and find a group that you can join to help create solutions. Write and read articles, keep up with the latest news regarding these issues and find out about new events and products that are creating positive change. There are many groups already working on issues such as: promoting peace as opposed to war, ending world hunger, stopping global warming, saving rainforests, saving endangered species, promoting health lifestyles, promoting organic farming and improving education to name just a few. 

Join The Movement - Empower Others, Spread the Word

Now is the time to spread the word that everyone can, does and needs to make a difference. Please go to: treeofpositiveintensions.com to post your intention about what you most want to see changed in the world and connect with others  who are creating great resources for personal and global transformation. 

Send me an email at rico@agelesslivinglifestyle.com and I will send you a free copy of my e-book. You Can Make A Difference.


I know many of us have felt disillusioned with and disconnected from most of the worldwide political scene, but it is time to take back our power. Great changes have always come from a few who stood up and took consistent action. It is time to get involved. 

It is going to take vision, creativity, strength and most of all, a collective effort, if we are to meet the great challenges that we now and will face. Working together we can create heaven on earth.

The Real Game of Life

The real game of life is about cooperation and collaboration. When we learn to do things with the best in mind for everyone involved everyone one wins. Is there really any need for more than the Golden Rule? Treat everyone how you would like to be treated or as some say how they want to be treated.

The most important concept we must all grasp now in 2022 is; for anyone to truly win and enjoy an abundant, prosperous, joyful life, everyone must win. An abundant life for everyone is not only possible it is the way it was meant to be. We live in an abundant universe, only our fear has kept us from living in the light. 

Now is the time for love and cooperation to take us out of the darkness and into the light.

Rico Caveglia, America’s Healthy Aging Trainer is an author, certified personal trainer, health and longevity consultant and creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle and the website:  AgelessLivingLifestyle.com

This article was written in 2012. Now in 2024 it unfortunately, is even more relevant and needing attention.

The human race is on a locomotive speeding ever faster down a track that is about to run out. Many scientist and world leaders say a serious derailment is imminent.

World population is increasing, energy consumption is radically increasing, and the basic necessities of water, food and housing are increasing. The production of these necessities requires energy and the world’s primary source of energy is based on a non renewable, polluting, finite source, oil. Next to oil, arms are the biggest industry. Guns and bombs are used to commit atrocities and mass murder against our so called enemies. We have even gone so far as to create weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to destroy all of life on earth.

Quality of heath world wide is diminishing. Many people in the industrial world are becoming obese, in American its almost 70% of the population, and developing serious diseases at an increasingly younger age. Many other people in the world are undernourished and dying at an early age. Aids, cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name a few have become so prevalent that we accept them a normal.
Yes our physical world is in crisis.  

The Challenges


We need to become aware of the many life threatening ecological disasters that we are creating. The world’s population has doubled and the global economy has increased by a factor of seven in just the past fifty years. We are demanding more of the earth than it can supply. 

The world’s aquifers are being depleted at an alarming rate. It’s evident that the next wars will be over water, not oil. Forests, particularly rainforest, which supply the majority of our oxygen is being cut faster than they can be replaced. Grass lands are being turned into desserts. Soil erosion exceeds new soil formation. Small diverse healthy farms are being overrun by big agribusiness with only big profits on their mind. Our oceans are being over fished and polluted.

We are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than nature can absorb it, creating the greenhouse effect and global warming.  Habitat destruction and chemical pollution is destroying plant and animal life faster than new species can evolve. The latest scientific studies on global warming just released by the United Nations Study Group, show that an ecological disaster is imminent unless we rapidly reduce greenhouse emissions and begin addressing the other critical issues just mentioned.

Disease and mass extinction of plant and animal life is already a reality.  Humans are next in line.


China, once called the sleeping giant, is no longer sleeping and is predicted to soon overtake America in energy
consumption. It has been scientifically determined that our planet can’t handle another energy consuming giant like America. We must rapidly begin converting to non polluting sources of energy such as solar, wind, hydro-electric, hydrogen fuel cells etc.


Our health is our most important asset. Everything we want and need to accomplish depends upon having energy and good health. Without lots of energy and good health we will not be able to meet our challenges. It is essential that people become educated about what is needed to produce good health and how to take responsibility for creating it.

Good health requires clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, natural food to eat and non toxic safe places to live. We must begin to produce products on the basis of quality not on how much profits can be made.

Governments, corporations and individuals all need to step up and cooperate in cleaning up the environment, producing healthy products and educating people world wide of the importance of taking responsibility for their good health.

Excess Consumption

We must stop our over consumption of everything. Do we need to eat so much, drive so much, work so much, live in huge houses? Do you really need all of the clothes, furniture and stuff you now possess? Do children need a closet full of toys? Do we need to produce so much useless junk just to make a profit? America is only about 6% of the world population yet we consume about 25% of the world’s energy supply and resources while many are starving. 

Our short sighted view that we must continue to produce more and more to create a better life is just wrong! The concept that our GDP and the bottom line of profits is what are important has to go. This rushed, frantic way of life has not produced a safer, happier world to live in. it has produced the opposite. More people are unhealthy, unhappy and living in fear of one another. The first thing we need to realize is that we need to change our way of thinking about what we need to enjoy our lives.

Too many of us particularly in America think we need all of the material stuff to make us feel successful and happy. Real quality of life is about being healthy, happy and having the time to enjoy close relationships.


Many people think terrorism is our biggest problem and we have to wage war against it. Terrorism is just another symptom that our lifestyles are out of sync with how we should be treating the planet and one another. The real threat of terrorism is that it is keeping us distracted from the real and critical ecological dangers we are now facing. 


If the above challenges aren’t enough to motivate you to action, how about the threat of nuclear war? How insane is it to produce something that has the potential to destroy us all? Will we ever learn that wars and killing have never solved anything or created lasting peace? Waging war on anything is the wrong concept. Has the war on drugs been effective? The war on terrorism has just created more terrorists and the world is now less safe.  How about waging peace and understanding on our problems. Life is not about battling our problems it’s about getting to the root cause and solving them through cooperation and love. Nothing can be solved through fear, hate and destruction. We need to train people in resolving conflicts with peaceful win-win negotiations.

Only through love and cooperation can we create a peaceful, prosperous world for all.

We need world leaders with vision to take immediate action on these challenges before it is too late. This will only happen when enough people rise up and force it to happen by creating positive change in their own lives and leading by example.

The Big Question

The real question we all need to ask ourselves is: am I part of the problem or part of the solution?  We are all part of everything that is happening in the world. 

The next question we need to ask ourselves is what can I do to begin creating a better world for us all to live in? The answer is; everything.

Change Yourself Change the World

The real problem is not all of the above mentioned, but rather it is ourselves. It’s the way we think and the lifestyles we live. If we continue thinking that it’s a dog eat dog world and every man for himself and that it will never change, then our problems will continue to multiply. There are technological solutions for many of our challenges, but they won’t be implemented till we change our thinking. If we continue, hating and fearing others, producing stuff merely to make a profit, over consuming without regard to how it affects others and our environment we are doomed. Technology and scientific advancements can’t save us from ourselves.

It’s not about saving the planet, it’s about saving ourselves.  Every species on the planet, except man, plays an important part in the overall scheme of nature. When plants and animals/insects become extinct nature becomes out of balance. Human beings are the ones creating imbalances in nature that ultimately will lead to our extinction. The planet functions perfectly without human beings. When we are gone the earth will do just fine. 

Before we can effectively renew the earth we have to renew ourselves. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, even our thoughts. That’s why everything we think, feel and do affects everything else in the universe. We are all connected. Therefore we are all responsible to a certain degree for everything that happens and will happen. If you have angry thoughts you are contributing to angry in the world. If you are violent even for a brief moment you are contributing to violence in the world. If you feel your philosophy or your religion is the only right way then you are contributing to separation and fear in the world.

The point is; we are all creating reality with our thoughts and actions. Is it too much to ask to stop for a minute and think what kind of world would be best and then create it? If we truly want a peaceful, safe, healthy, prosperous and happy world, then think those thoughts and it can be.

An Empowering View

Yes the challenges we face seem insurmountable, but doom and gloom thinking will only get us more of the same. We can slow down the speeding locomotive and we can change tracks to a new direction.

Crisis and what seems like chaos and hopelessness tends to bring out the best in mankind. 

We do have the creativity and capacity to rise up and meet this multitude of challenges. In fact it is why we are here and it is happening. 

You can transform yourself to be the best that you can be. As you become a more patient, peaceful, creative, compassionate, pro active and loving individual, the world as a whole becomes likewise. 

It is the belief of many that we are all spiritual beings here on earth to learn to become higher conscious spiritual beings. It is said that we were created in the image of God. This implies that we can become like God. We can learn to use the powers that we commonly associate with God, such as being all knowing, all loving and all powerful. The vast majority of all of the great scholars, philosophers, teachers and gurus throughout the ages, all say that we already possess all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe, we just have to learn how to tap into it. Learning is just remembering. 

It is also said that we create everything in our lives. We are creating our reality and it is on purpose. We have created such great challenges, because they will force us to wake up and find ways to meet and rise above them. This is the game of life. We are not here to always be safe and secure and take the easy way out. We are here to excel, to be our best and to learn to become like God. We are here to learn to create Heaven on Earth

Once we are aware that we are creating all of the things we don’t like in the world, we can now begin to create something better. We don’t have to keep struggling so hard. Let’s create heaven on earth sooner as opposed to later!

Getting on the Right Track

The right track is to create a lifestyle that creates quality of life not quantity of possessions and overuse of resources. There are many things that we can begin to do to make a difference. 

Be Responsible

Buy and use only bio-degradable nontoxic products.  Recycle. Do not throw away things that can pollute our soils and water sources. Convert to renewable sources of energy for our homes and businesses. Do not buy things you don’t really need. It’s all about supply and demand. If we don’t buy useless trinkets then no one will produce them. Do not over consume. In addition to the environmental problems all of this excess stuff causes from production to disposal, it clutters up your life and takes away from time to enjoy nature and close relationships.
Less is more. The more we work to buy stuff we don’t need the less enjoyable our lives become.

Empower Yourself, Conscious Creation

Do not try and save or change the world, change yourself. There is no transformation other than individual transformation. Be a model for others. Create an optimistic, joyful, pro active attitude. Create an attitude of gratitude for all that you have and help those less fortunate. Be forgiving, respectful and kind to everyone and you will make a big difference.

Get Involved

Everyone needs to contribute in some way. Whatever challenge you are passionate about, post your concerns and ideas on forums and blogs and find a group that you can join to help create solutions. Write and read articles, keep up with the latest news regarding these issues and find out about new events and products that are creating positive change. There are many groups already working on issues such as: promoting peace as opposed to war, ending world hunger, stopping global warming, saving rainforests, saving endangered species, promoting health lifestyles, promoting organic farming and improving education to name just a few. 

Join The Movement - Empower Others, Spread the Word

Now is the time to spread the word that everyone can, does and needs to make a difference. Please go to: treeofpositiveintensions.com to post your intention about what you most want to see changed in the world and connect with others  who are creating great resources for personal and global transformation. 

Send me an email at rico@agelesslivinglifestyle.com and I will send you a free copy of my e-book. You Can Make A Difference.


I know many of us have felt disillusioned with and disconnected from most of the worldwide political scene, but it is time to take back our power. Great changes have always come from a few who stood up and took consistent action. It is time to get involved. 

It is going to take vision, creativity, strength and most of all, a collective effort, if we are to meet the great challenges that we now and will face. Working together we can create heaven on earth.

The Real Game of Life

The real game of life is about cooperation and collaboration. When we learn to do things with the best in mind for everyone involved everyone one wins. Is there really any need for more than the Golden Rule? Treat everyone how you would like to be treated or as some say how they want to be treated.

The most important concept we must all grasp now in 2022 is; for anyone to truly win and enjoy an abundant, prosperous, joyful life, everyone must win. An abundant life for everyone is not only possible it is the way it was meant to be. We live in an abundant universe, only our fear has kept us from living in the light. 

Now is the time for love and cooperation to take us out of the darkness and into the light.

Rico Caveglia, America’s Healthy Aging Trainer is an author, certified personal trainer, health and longevity consultant and creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle and the website:  AgelessLivingLifestyle.com