The Ageless Living Lifestyle

Coaching Programs for Guaranteed Success

The Ageless Living Lifestyle

Coaching Programs for Guaranteed Success

I have some life changing and life saving questions for you:
  • Are you not feeling or looking your best?
  • Do you need more energy?
  • Do you need to reduce excess body fat?
  • Are you feeling over stressed and concerned about premature aging?
  • What if there was a guaranteed, proven way to get into the best shape of your life both mentally and physically and you had me Rico Caveglia - America’s Healthy Aging Master Trainer as your personal trainer? Do you think you could achieve your health, fitness and longevity goals?
  • Are you not feeling or looking your best?
  • Do you need more energy?
  • Do you need to reduce excess body fat?
  • Are you feeling over stressed and concerned about premature aging?
  • What if there was a guaranteed, proven way to get into the best shape of your life both mentally and physically and you had me Rico Caveglia - America’s Healthy Aging Master Trainer as your personal trainer? Do you think you could achieve your health, fitness and longevity goals?
The answer is YES!
My clients are always successful.

All you have to do is play…and you win

If this sounds interesting please read on.

I'm Rico Caveglia,
creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle and I want to help you avoid old age, the nursing home and to live a much healthier, energetic long life.

For the past 39 years I have been developing, teaching and living a wellness lifestyle that I have proven will give everyone the best opportunity to live a much healthier, energetic, productive and joyful long life. I know this from the success I and my hundreds of private elite clients have experienced. My chronological age is 80 and my fitness age is only 35.
Your true Lifespan can be…
Did you know that way back in the nineties, science discovered that our genetic potential is to stay healthy and live to age 125. This means our life span could be 125, yet our life expectancy is only 78. This means most people are missing out on 40+ years of good living.

My father died of lung cancer at the age of 71. When he began smoking it wasn’t commonly known how bad smoking was for your health. Just like today, many people are unaware of how their unhealthy lifestyles are causing their poor health and lack of energy and longevity.

Our over-stressed lifestyles, combined with processed foods, toxic chemicals in our environment and lack of exercise are the primary causes of premature aging, diseases and dying way too young.

After my father died I committed to learning all I could about what our bodies require to live a long, healthy life.
Common Myths that are keeping you from being your best self:
  1. It's just the way it is, everyone is going to become old and die around 80. This may currently be normal but it is not natural.
  2. You have to diet and eat only vegetables to be healthy.
  3. You have to exercise really hard for hours to get into good shape.
  4. Everyone needs to be taking medications to be healthy.
These myths combined with our unhealthy lifestyles as previously mentioned are what is causing America to be one of the unhealthiest, unhappiest nations on the planet.
So here is the harsh reality:
If you continue to believe in these myths and go along with living a normal lifestyle you will most likely end up becoming old and sick and dying way too young.
I don’t want this to happen to you and I know you don’t want this to happen to you. So please keep reading. I have some great news for you
Now there is a new innovative way you can easily replicate what I and my clients are doing.
First let me tell you what The Ageless Living Lifestyle is all about. The Ageless Living Lifestyle is a timeless mind/body and spiritual wellness system that contains ancient wisdom and modern scientific discoveries about what your body requires to get and stay healthy for life. This is a very time efficient and straight forward system that is easy to incorporate into your busy schedule.
Why it is a time efficient wellness system and easy to learn and to implement?
I have boiled it down to what I call mastering The Seven Essentials of Life. These Seven Essentials are what you are doing everyday to just stay alive. You have to have oxygen, water, food, elimination, movement, sleep and you have to think.

The problem is you were never taught how to best undertake these essentials, so as to give you maximum energy, health and success. So all you have to do is to improve how you are addressing these essentials and you will elevate your life beyond belief.
Imagine how good you would look and feel if…
You were getting lots of oxygen, drinking pure activated water, eating a diet of real food, moving properly throughout your day, having daily eliminations of waste materials, having great sleep and having positive and empowering thoughts? Take a moment and think about this. How much better and successful would you be? Think about how much more fun you could have and how much more you could enjoy your life?
I’m very proud of this wellness system because…
I know it works and I know it will work for you. However, I must admit that aside from my private clients I haven’t had a lot of success getting the masses to take action and to learn The Ageless Living Lifestyle.
Everyone who I tell about all of the many benefits of this lifestyle, always says…
Wow, this is what I need. However few actually take action. As you know in order to be successful at any endeavor it takes stepping up and taking  consistent action.  I think most people feel they don’t have time or that they won’t actually receive all of the results they desire and it won’t be fun.
The only difference between most people and my clients is…
We committed to change our lives and to become our best selves. We are doing it and I know you can too.

​So my team and I came up with the idea to create a new 90 day program that was in the format of a game. Most everyone loves to play games and to compete and to win. 

This game would also have to be easy to play and the best part is...
If You Play You Win
The Ageless Living Lifestyle 90 Day Training Program
This is an online 12 week program where you have me as their personal trainer. I give you weekly step by step guidance that ensures their success. You will develop your personal Ageless Living Lifestyle while being part of a team competing against other teams for prizes.
Why you will be successful even if you haven’t stuck with a program in the past?
1. You have a proven step by step system that has been boiled down to the 7 essentials of life. These are things everyone is already doing but not in the best way that will serve them better in all areas of their life, not just health wise. If you master these you will definitely have more energy, better health, sleep better, better sex, and look and feel your best and you will have a foundation for being more successful in every aspect of life.
2. You have an accountability partner to work with each week and the team interaction.
3. We will have weekly group Q&A calls with me to answer all of your questions. When you have me as your personal trainer you will win.
4. I am offering a bonus to those who complete their program in the 12 weeks - It is a free webinar on How to end the struggle with dieting & losing weight forever. In this webinar I offer the very latest cutting edge info on what you really need to do for permanent fat reduction. There is so much info & mis info available that it is very confusing so this is a very valuable life changing program. So many people are still struggling with this issue so I think this is a great bonus.
5. ​​When you make an investment even though it's not a big investment, it's likely you will step up and play to win.
What you can expect on your wellness journey:
First Month -
  • Becoming completely clear on what’s truly important in your life.
  • How to discover your purpose in life.
  • How to set goals that you will achieve and why you want and need to.
  • Organizing your daily schedule to incorporate your new healthy habits and your morning routine.
  • Feeling great about your accomplishments and optimistic about your future.
  • Having fun connecting and competing with your teammates and other teams.
  • Reaching The Enlightened Level of Ageless Living.
Second Month -
  • You’ll be developing and implementing your personalized stress reduction, nutritional, exercise and rejuvenation programs.
  • You’ll notice you have more energy, your body is feeling stronger, you are sleeping better and you are having more fun.
  • You’ll continue to collaborate and support your accountability partner and you are on your way to winning the game.
  • You’ll reach the Empowerment Level of Ageless Living.
Third Month -
  • You have completed your personal energy plan.
  • You are continuing to improve your eating and exercise plans.
  • You’ll have developed your complete wellness strategy and how you will stick with it.
  • You are truly enjoying how much better you look and feel and how much more optimistic you are.
  • You are feeling much more gratitude for all that you have in your life.
  • You are feeling much more self love, self confidence and appreciation for your life.
  • You are looking forward to your next 12 weeks of experiencing all of the many benefits from your new lifestyle habits.
  • You have reached the Ageless Wonder Level! You have won the game, the game of your life.
Rico Caveglia, owner of Lifetime Fitness, has been my personal trainer for the past 25 years. I have found him to be very dependable, knowledgeable and passionate about helping others with their health and fitness concerns. His training has kept me fit and healthy and I highly recommend his programs for anyone wanting to stay healthy for life.

Gary Shekhter

Helix Electric

Rico has miraculously transformed myself and my family to the healthiest shape we have ever been in our entire lives. With a busy practice & two young children, I just could not find the time to get to the gym. Then I met Rico – who is one of the most fit guys I have seen in his age. Rico’s philosophy of “functional fitness” is a great lesson that I & my family will take with us for the rest of our lives. We can only hope to be as agile, strong and fit as he is when we get to be his age. He’s the best and I recommend him!

Tess Mauricio, M.D.

Board Certified Dermatologist
Scripps Ranch Dermatology

Rico’s message is to get off your butt and do something and he includes the how-to. His knowledge and passion for Ageless Living make his presentations life-changing.

Peter McLaughlin


Rico Caveglia presented his All Day Energy The Natural Way seminar at our 2017 Healthy Living Expo in Del Mar and it was great! I will ask him back next year. Thank you!

Warren Cook


I highly recommend Rico and his presentation for anyone who is looking to add more energy and health to their groups. His presentation will enhance your event.

Ken D Foster

Author, Speaker, Founder
- The Business Expansion Series

I strongly recommend Rico’s Energy Seminar to other companies in San Diego. Rico shared easy tips to create and sustain personal energy in order to lead a more productive and positive life.The strength of Rico’s techniques was apparent immediately.

Shannon Collins

Benefits Manager
Helix Electric

If you are interested in an effective, low cost way to energize your workplace and improve productivity you need Rico Caveglia! I recently had Rico Caveglia present his Energize Your Workplace Seminar to my 50 person workforce. Comments were uniformly positive, without exception my associates felt that the seminar presented a great opportunity to improve productivity with little financial or time commitment. In addition the exercises are fun not drudgery. I highly recommend that you call Rico today!

Doug Sawyer

President & CEO
United Way of San Diego County

The interactive nature of your presentation got everyone involved and I have received a ton of positive feedback from everyone in the office! Thanks again for helping us stay younger and more focused as we come into the new year! I would recommend your program to any company who is focused on growth and cares about the well-being of their people.

Todd J. Clarke

Agency Sales Director
MetLife - Financial Planning Division

Rico is a very passionate and energetic speaker with an abundance of practical knowledge. I highly recommend his presentations to anyone wanting to learn how to become healthier and more energetic.

Cliff Durfee

Seaside Business Referral Club

Your workshop and training sessions have been very instrumental in motivating my employees to improve their health and fitness habits which has resulted in measurable improvement in their work performances. I would highly recommend your workshops and books to anybody wishing to do a favor for their employees and for their business at the same time.

Ross Lyndon James


Rico Caveglia presented his daily energy routine at my last Secret Knock Event. It takes less than 10 minutes and it was very interesting, fun and got everyone up and energized.

Greg Reid

Best selling author, speaker and creator of the Secret Knock

I had the honor to have Rico Caveglia teach my clients during a retreat on his 4 x 4 Energy formula and it really energized the group and empowered us to take care of ourselves when our energy is sluggish. Thanks, Rico!

Vivian S. De Guzman

Human MR

The members of our club were impressed with Rico’s energy and vitality. He shared a lot of good information on how to make small changes in our lives to start seeing big results. His Be Bold Never Be Old talk was inspirational and timely, especially in this first month of the year when we all need to see a great example of what is possible when you follow his proven strategies!

Holly Malan

Rotary Club of San Marcos

Thanks, Rico, for two absolutely great seminars at our Holistic Weekend.

Bob Spahl


Caveglia’s dedication and enthusiasm are contagious. He makes you want to get fit and he makes it easy.

Jack Williams


Rico, your timely presentations have helped make our health fairs a wonderful success! Please come back soon.

Janine Novack


Now imagine if you do not begin this journey?
Ask yourself what will my life be like in the future if I do not step up and take the appropriate action?

Your health and alife will most likely continue down hill, unfortunately, like most people’s as they age.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get your life on track for maximum success in all areas of your life.

Allow me to guide you through this proven process that I guarantee will be life changing for you
Now imagine if you do not begin this journey?
Ask yourself what will my life be like in the future if I do not step up and take the appropriate action?

Your health and alife will most likely continue down hill, unfortunately, like most people’s as they age.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get your life on track for maximum success in all areas of your life.

Allow me to guide you through this proven process that I guarantee will be life changing for you
You will End your struggle with dieting and using weight, low energy, premature aging and just not looking and feeling your best!
P.S. My goal is to educate and empower you to take control of your health and your life.
The good news is I know you can do it. You can enjoy the vibrant, ageless, exciting lives that I and my clients are living.

Proven Ageless Living Products to Accelerate Your SUCCESS

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A proven nutritional supplement for Growth Hormone production
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